has just arrived on the crowdfunding platform scene. It is a rather unique platform driven my images and appears to be derived from the concept of “The Million Dollar Home Page“. Although it the platform is not “selling pixels” as a form of adverising, details of donors are seen by scrolling over the crowdunding campaign image. Below are some details provided by’s founder:
“MyPixel is a new crowdfunding platform. It supports online fundraising for personal projects in a new and innovative way. Project owners first upload a picture representative of the project, along with a description and some financial goal. Donors can make a donation by selecting pixels within the picture, associating them to a supporting message. Donations can be made anonymously as well, or without selecting pixels.
MyPixel was created using the latest HTML5 techniques for a very interactive experience on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
MyPixle is available in three languages (English, French and Spanish), for projects in five currencies (US Dollars, Canadian dollars, Australian dollars, Euros and Great Britain Pounds).
Interesting concept and one to keep an eye on. Once we gather more information and spend some time on the site we will be writing our review and ranking this innovative platform