“What We Do” by Ghandi El-Chamaa on Kickstarter

We are always excited to find Indie Film projects crowdfunding on Kickstarter. There is something special about an artist working to self-finance a film in order to keep control of the creative process. Crowdfunding is an incredible outlet for raising funds and keeping these types of independent projects alive and well. Especially in this era of a few giant corporations controlling almost everything we see and hear in the media.

Please watch the video below.  Share and Support this Indie Project on Kickstarter


A crisp autumn morning in the mountains. Bankrupted businessman and passionate hunter Harry confronts his wife Maude with a life-changing decision. He’s ruined, broke, detached and determined to get his old life back. His mind twists around drastic solutions and sets on robbery

As the day unfolds, Harry breaks into a bank while Maude observes an eerie sky closing in around their mountain home

In a miscalculated move, Harry shoots one of his hostages dead and flees. Meanwhile, Maude rushes to meet him in the awkward light of day. Oblivion and panic overpower Harry, and he fails to notice he is being followed by a mysterious figure. As the two of them eventually meet, it becomes apparent a disaster much greater than their personal conflict is approaching.

Info on the TEAM of “What We Do”:
Producer Dobrina Manolova has worked on several award-winning videos in the last year, including the music promo to La La La by Naughty boy feat Sam Smith, which won awards such as Best New Artist at the UK Music Video Awards’ 13, Best Video at the MOBO Awards’ 13, and nominations for Best Director and Best Video at the UKMVAs 2013, and Best Video and Best Cinematography at Camerimage Festival 2013. Her strong creative vision and sensibility to cinematography produce wonderful relationships between directors and cinematographers. ‘What We Do’ sees some of Studio Murmur’s usual crew come together in Bulgaria on a challenging but very rewarding shoot.
Director Ghandi El-Chamaa’s visual approach to narrative makes for an almost dialogue-free yet emotionally gripping film. His poetic interpretation of the script is masterfully brought to life in the hands of DOP James Friend and his crew.

Again, Please Look, Support and Share this important project on Kickstarter


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