Ian Brodie, award winning photographer and author of The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook and forthcoming, The Hobbit Location Guidebook, has set his sights on Glastonbury for his next book project, Journey Through Somerset. His recent trip to Somerset had a lot to do with a realization that the county certainly had the historical landscape to support a full and proper travel guide. The best selling travel guide author, previously published by HarperCollins, believes that the county is rich beyond measure in great physical and cultural beauty. Ian invites you to join him on the adventurous Journey through Somerset.
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The VergeIndie outfit hopes to mass-produce Iron Man armor with crowdfundingThe VergeIndie outfit hopes to mass-produce Iron Man armor with crowdfunding. By Kwame Opam on December 17, 2013 10:08 am @kwameopam 30Comments. Don't miss stories Follow The Verge. Follow. Iron Man Suit (source: Paramount Pictures). The US military ...Crowdfunding Campaign Pitc […]
1979 Revolution misses Kickstarter goal, devs to launch new crowdfunding ...Polygon1979 Revolution, iNK Stories' game about the Iranian Revolution, fell short of its Kickstarter goal of $395,000 after bringing in $304,741 from 1,653 backers. The project, which launched its campaign on Nov. 13, sets players in Iran during the Islamic ...1979 REVOLUTION F […]
GamingBoltFans pledged $200M to game crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter this yearVentureBeatSo that money was never accepted by the crowdfunding site or was returned to users. That means the total amount the game companies took home was $178 million. That funding amount would add up to about 20 percent of all fundings for games, based on ...Kickstarter Gam […]
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