Equities.com4 Trailblazers in Crowdfunding and How They Lead the PackEquities.comCrowdfunding has evolved from its initial stage of pooling resources from multiple investors to finance small ideas to the global phenomenon affecting arts and media, property investments, climate change and philanthropy today. Regardless of how ...
VentureBeatStar Citizen Hits $49 Million, Still Needs Crowdfunding SupportThe EscapistStar Citizen is just shy of $50 million, but needs additional funds to "sustain this level of development". Star Citizen is the world's most successful crowdfunding project, and promises to be an incredibly engaging space simulation to boot. But with a ...Sta
whnt.comCrowdfunding craze relies on psychological impulseswhnt.com(WHNT) – Jennifer Stocum takes on a short tour of one corner of Billy Hunter Park in Hazel Green. She wants to build a handicap accessible playground. She has meetings scheduled with all kinds of movers and shakers to get the thing going, but she also ...and more »
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